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Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipient Nominations

Who would you like to address Rutgers' graduates at commencement? Let us know!

Rutgers accepts commencement speaker and honorary degree nominations for the ceremonies at Rutgers University–New Brunswick and Rutgers Health, Rutgers University–Newark, and Rutgers University–Camden on a rolling basis. Nominations received by the deadline of each year will be reviewed and considered for that year's ceremonies. Because speakers may also be awarded an honorary degree, nominations for commencement speaker should also follow the guidelines for honorary degree candidates. Speaker nominees should be someone who is engaging and interesting with broad appeal to a diverse audience.

One of the most prestigious honors any university can bestow is an honorary degree, a degree that is conferred honoris causa, that is, for the sake of honor. This degree recognizes an individual’s exceptional achievement or distinction in a field or activity consonant with the mission of the university. Through this major public action, the university is able to acknowledge worthy individuals of national and international acclaim whose accomplishments support the ideals of the university and serve as an example for our students, alumni, and society.

The university seeks recommendations of honorary degree and speaker nominees who reflect the cultural diversity and international character of Rutgers. We invite all members of the Rutgers community and the public to nominate candidates for consideration. We keep nominations confidential, and nominees should not be contacted.

How to Submit a Nomination

Nominations for the commencement speaker and honorary degrees to be awarded in the May commencement ceremonies will be accepted throughout the year. More information on the nomination guidelines and process is available below.

  • Nomination Considerations

    Rutgers University invites nominations from any member of the university community or the public. A committee considers the nominations of individuals to receive honorary degrees and for the commencement speaker. The President presents a final slate of candidates for review by the Board of Governors’ Committee on Academic and Student Affairs, which then makes a final recommendation to the full Board of Governors for their approval. Because speakers may also be awarded an honorary degree, nominations for commencement speaker should also follow the guidelines for honorary degree candidates as detailed below.

    Criteria for Awarding an Honorary Degree by Rutgers University

    The nominee for an honorary degree from Rutgers University:

    1. Must evidence outstanding achievement in the humanities, arts, or sciences, or in a profession; in government, public affairs, education, or religion; in industry or commerce; or in an auxiliary field or endeavor.
    2. Must evidence distinguished service and performance in their accomplishments that support the ideals of Rutgers and serve as an example to our students, our alumni, and society.
    3. Must evidence in their life a commitment of service to humankind.

    Honorary degrees will be bestowed by the President, the Rutgers University–Camden Chancellor, and the Rutgers University–Newark Chancellor at their commencement ceremonies, or by the President, or a designee, at other ceremonies or special events.

    Degrees may be awarded in four categories based on the specific criteria listed below:

    Doctor of Laws
    Distinguished service to state or to nation, to learning or to humankind, coupled with intellectual gifts and moral qualities that entitle the recipient to rank with persons of culture and high principle.

    Doctor of Letters or Doctor of Fine Arts
    Distinguished service to letters, art, music, or education, coupled with intellectual and moral qualities that are widely recognized.

    Doctor of Science
    Distinguished service to science, coupled with personal qualities and a kind of learning that entitles the recipient to recognition by a learned educational body of high standing.

    Doctor of Humane Letters
    Distinguished service of a general nature, coupled with personal qualities and a kind of learning that entitles the recipient to recognition by a learned educational body of high standing.


    Nomination information submitted will be kept confidential. Confidentiality at all points in the nominating process is crucial. No discussion concerning nominees should take place outside of those directly involved in the evaluation process. The President, or a designee, is responsible for contacting the candidates once the Board of Governors has approved a slate of candidates.


    At Rutgers, honorary degrees are not awarded posthumously, unless the offer has been made and accepted prior to the individual’s death. Also, honorary degrees are not awarded to the following:

    • Current faculty or staff
    • Current holders of political office, except that an honorary degree shall be awarded to the Governor of the State of New Jersey in the year the Governor takes office 
    • Current university governing board members, except that an honorary degree shall be awarded to the chair of the Board of Governors at the conclusion of their term as chair of the board

    Except in extraordinary circumstances, persons who have spent the greater part of their careers as members of the Rutgers faculty or administration will not be considered. However, persons otherwise associated with the university such as alumni, former governors and trustees, or distinguished visiting faculty will be considered.

    Exceptions to these procedures may be made at the discretion of the President and the Board of Governors.

  • Nominations will be accepted on an ongoing basis and must be made using the standardized Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Nomination Form.  Nominators should include with their nomination form a curriculum vitae (resume), if available, and biographical information and any other supporting materials (please provide actual documentation and not website links). A well-written nomination form is often more persuasive than a lengthy curriculum vitae. 

    If you have nominated someone in the past and would like that person to be reconsidered, please submit a current nomination for the individual.

  • Complete the Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Nomination Form to submit your nomination for consideration.

Past Rutgers University Honorary Degree Recipients

This list of honorary degree recipients is sortable by last name, year conferred, and degree type.

Abdellah, Faye Glenn1973Doctor of Laws
Ackerman, Raymond2016Doctor of Letters
Ackerman, Roger G.1995Doctor of Science
Adams, Ruth Marie1966Doctor of Laws
Aidekman, Alex1987Doctor of Humane Letters
Alampi, Philip1969Doctor of Laws
Alexander, Archibald Stevens1966Doctor of Laws
Allen, Clara L.1972Doctor of Humane Letters
Allen, Robert E.1989Doctor of Humane Letters
Anderson, Adrienne Scotchbrook1991Doctor of Humane Letters
Anderson, Marian1957Doctor of Music
Anderson, Philip Warren1991Doctor of Science
Angelson, Mark A.2023Doctor of Humane Letters
Arroyo, Martina2012Doctor of Fine Arts
Atiyah, Sir Michael1992Doctor of Science
Auchter, George David1962Doctor of Science
Baez, Joan C.1980Doctor of Humane Letters
Bailey, Charles Philamore1958Doctor of Humane Letters
Bailyn, Bernard1976Doctor of Letters
Baker, Russell Wayne1989Doctor of Letters
Baker, William Franklin2008Doctor of Humane Letters
Baker, William Oliver1995Doctor of Science
Barchi, Robert L.2022Doctor of Humane Letters
Baron, Salo Wittmayer1963Doctor of Letters
Baskin, Leonard1969Doctor of Fine Arts
Bate, W. Jackson1979Doctor of Letters
Beal, Orville E.1973Doctor of Humane Letters
Beck, Robert A.1983Doctor of Humane Letters
Bender, Carl Beitel1963Doctor of Science
Benson, Ezra Taft1955Doctor of Science
Bergethon, Kaare Roald1959Doctor of Laws
Bergman, Robert P.1997Doctor of Fine Arts
Best, William E.2024Doctor of Laws
Betancourt, Romulo1964Doctor of Laws
Bildner, Joan L.2007Doctor of Humane Letters
Bishop, Elizabeth1972Doctor of Letters
Bixby, Frederick Lovell1966Doctor of Humane Letters
Black, Eugene Robert1959Doctor of Laws
Blackman, Samuel Garrison1964Doctor of Letters
Blackmur, Richard Palmer1958Doctor of Letters
Blake, James Hubert1974Doctor of Fine Arts
Blanchard, Terence2023Doctor of Fine Arts
Block, Herbert Lawrence1963Doctor of Letters
Bloom, Benjamin S.1975Doctor of Humane Letters
Blume, Judy2010Doctor of Letters
Boehm, Helen F.1986Doctor of Humane Letters
Boggs, Lindy2000Doctor of Laws
Bon Jovi, Jon2015Doctor of Letters
Bongiovanni, Michael1991Doctor of Laws
Boocock, Philip Milledoler Brett1966Doctor of Letters
Booher, Edward Elsworth1979Doctor of Humane Letters
Bowen, Catherine Drinker1967Doctor of Letters
Bowen, William Gordon1972Doctor of Laws
Boyd, Hugh Newell1970Doctor of Letters
Boyd, Julian Parks1956Doctor of Letters
Bradley, Bill1999Doctor of Laws
Bragg, Floyd Herman1990Doctor of Laws
Branscomb, Lewis McAdory1984Doctor of Science
Brée, Germaine1969Doctor of Letters
Brennan, Jr., William Joseph1958Doctor of Laws
Brenner, Jeffrey2014Doctor of Science
Brinster, Ralph L.2000Doctor of Science
Brooks-Randolph, Angie1978Doctor of Laws
Brower, Charles Hendrickson1966Doctor of Laws
Brown, Greg2012Doctor of Humane Letters
Brown, Harrison Scott1964Doctor of Science
Brown, Lester Russell1978Doctor of Laws
Brown, Raymond A.1972Doctor of Laws
Bryan, James Edmund1964Doctor of Letters
Buck, Pearl S.1969Doctor of Humane Letters
Bunch, Lonnie G.2013Doctor of Letters
Bundy, McGeorge1982Doctor of Letters
Bunting, Mary Ingraham1960Doctor of Laws
Burke, James E.1984Doctor of Humane Letters
Burke, Kenneth1968Doctor of Letters
Burnell, S. Jocelyn Bell2016Doctor of Science
Burnham, Walter Dean1982Doctor of Letters
Burns, Arthur Frank1955Doctor of Humane Letters
Burns, Eveline M.1981Doctor of Letters
Burton, Glenn Willard1955Doctor of Science
Butler, Richard2001Doctor of Laws
Byrne, Brendan T.1974Doctor of Laws
Byrne, Jr., John Joseph1985Doctor of Humane Letters
Cahill, William T.1970Doctor of Laws
Calderón, Sila M.2004Doctor of Humane Letters
Caldicott, Helen1990Doctor of Science
Caldwell, William Anthony1967Doctor of Letters
Cameron, Donald Forrester1956Doctor of Letters
Cardoso, Fernando Enrique1978Doctor of Laws
Carrerras Coll, José2002Doctor of Fine Arts
Carson, Benjamin2003Doctor of Science
Carter, Bennett Lester1991Doctor of Fine Arts
Case, Clifford Phillip1955Doctor of Laws
Cavazos, Lauro F.1989Doctor of Laws
Chaikin, Sol C.1980Doctor of Humane Letters
Chambers, Raymond G.2000Doctor of Humane Letters
Charanis, Peter1980Doctor of Letters
Cherkasky, Martin1985Doctor of Science
Child, Julia1992Doctor of Fine Arts
Chisholm, Shirley2002Doctor of Laws
Christie, Chris2010Doctor of Laws
Clapp, Margaret1962Doctor of Laws
Cleary, Edward John1959Doctor of Science
Cobb, Jelani2024Doctor of Letters
Cobb, Jewel Plummer1982Doctor of Letters
Codey, Richard J.2005Doctor of Laws
Coffey, Katherine Frances1966Doctor of Fine Arts
Cohen, Stanley Norman1994Doctor of Science
Cohen, Wilbur J.1986Doctor of Laws
Cole, William Harder1957Doctor of Science
Coles, Robert1977Doctor of Letters
Collins, Kevin J.2001Doctor of Humane Letters
Colwell, Rita R.2005Doctor of Science
Commager, Henry Steele1988Doctor of Laws
Conn, Jerome W.1964Doctor of Science
Connor, John Thomas1964Doctor of Laws
Coomaraswamy, Rajhika2016Doctor of Humane Letters
Copland, Aaron1967Doctor of Music
Cortés, Jr., Ernesto J.2011Doctor of Laws
Corzine, Jon S.2006Doctor of Laws
Cowdrey, Mary Bartlett1964Doctor of Letters
Cowen, David Laurence1984Doctor of Letters
Cox, Archibald1974Doctor of Laws
Crew, Spencer R.2002Doctor of Humane Letters
Cullman, Howard Stix1959Doctor of Laws
Cunningham, John T.1974Doctor of Letters
Cuthbertson, David Paton1958Doctor of Science
David, Jr., Edward E.1984Doctor of Science
Davis, Jess Harrison1955Doctor of Laws
Dean, Arthur Hobson1958Doctor of Laws
Dees, Jr., Morris S.2006Doctor of Laws
Dickerson, Donald MacMillan1989Doctor of Laws
Diekhoff, John Siemon1959Doctor of Humane Letters
DiFrancesco, Donald T.2007Doctor of Laws
Dillon, Clarence Douglas1961Doctor of Laws
Djerassi, Carl2010Doctor of Science
Doar, John1968Doctor of Laws
Dodge, Norton T.1995Doctor of Fine Arts
Dougherty, John Joseph1962Doctor of Laws
Dresselhaus, Mildred S.1989Doctor of Science
Duverger, Maurice1982Doctor of Letters
Dwyer, Bernard J.1993Doctor of Laws
Dwyer, Florence Price1968Doctor of Laws
Ebadi, Shirin2007Doctor of Laws
Eck?, Marc2009Doctor of Humane Letters
Eco, Umberto2002Doctor of Humane Letters
Edelman, Marian Wright1986Doctor of Laws
Edgar, Miriam Colón1980Doctor of Fine Arts
Ellison, Brooke Mackenzie2011Doctor of Humane Letters
Ellison, Ralph Waldo1966Doctor of Letters
Engstrom, Elmer W.1963Doctor of Science
Epstein, Benjamin1965Doctor of Letters
Ericsson, Aprille Joy2022Doctor of Science
Everett, Thomas Henry1959Master of Science
Fair, Ethel Marion1959Doctor of Humane Letters
Fair, Gordon Maskew1965Doctor of Science
Felmly, Lloyd McPherson1956Doctor of Humane Letters
Fenster, Saul K.2002Doctor of Laws
Ferguson, Jr., Clarence Clyde1966Doctor of Laws
Fergusson, Francis1975Doctor of Letters
Finletter, Thomas Knight1959Doctor of Laws
Fisk, James Brown1967Doctor of Science
Fiske, Jessie Gladys1958Doctor of Science
Florio, James J.1990Doctor of Laws
Foster, William Chapman1968Doctor of Laws
Francis, John Joseph1959Doctor of Laws
Francis, Norman C.1993Doctor of Humane Letters
Franklin, John Hope1990Doctor of Letters
Frazier, Kenneth C.2019Doctor of Laws
Frelinghuysen, Peter H.B.1976Doctor of Laws
Friedman, Milton1968Doctor of Laws
Friend, Jr., Albert Mathias1955Doctor of Letters
Fuchs, Morris1959Doctor of Humane Letters
Fulbright, James William1955Doctor of Laws
Galbraith, John Kenneth1979Doctor of Laws
Gamper, Jr., Albert R.2007Doctor of Humane Letters
Garrett, Laurie2021Doctor of Science
Gaskill, William John1978Doctor of Laws
Gelfand, Israel Moiseevich1993Doctor of Science
Gellhorn, Walter1973Doctor of Laws
Geltman, Samuel1990Doctor of Humane Letters
Gibson, Eleanor Jack1973Doctor of Science
Gidney, Ray Millard1961Doctor of Laws
Gillespie, John Birks1970Doctor of Music
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader1991Doctor of Laws
Goheen, Robert Francis1957Doctor of Laws
Goldman, Lawrence P.1999Doctor of Fine Arts
Goldstine, Herman Heine1994Doctor of Science
Goodall, Jane2005Doctor of Science
Gordon, Julia Weber1966Doctor of Humane Letters
Gordon, Lincoln1967Doctor of Laws
Gould, Stephen Jay1987Doctor of Science
Gould, William Benjamin, IV1998Doctor of Laws
Graham, Martha1959Doctor of Fine Arts
Graves, Michael1994Doctor of Fine Arts
Gregorian, Vartan1989Doctor of Laws
Gronquist, Carl Harry1958Doctor of Science
Gross, Mason Welch1971Doctor of Laws
Gyatso, Tenzin (Dalai Lama)2005Doctor of Humane Letters
Hall, Frederick Wilson1960Doctor of Laws
Hannah-Jones, Nikole2022Doctor of Letters
Hardt, Robert Andrew1956Doctor of Philosophy
Harvey, Gerald C.2014Doctor of Humane Letters
Hayden, Carla D.2017Doctor of Letters
Heckel, Charles Willard1970Doctor of Laws
Hedefine, Alfred1975Doctor of Science
Heidelberger, Michael1961Doctor of Science
Heldrich, John J.1999Doctor of Humane Letters
Hellman, Lillian1963Doctor of Letters
Heningburg, Gustave1989Doctor of Humane Letters
Herbert, Robert M. "Bob"2006Doctor of Letters
Herrmann, Lewis Mordecai1960Doctor of Laws
Hicks, Arthur James2017Doctor of Science
Higginbotham, Jr., A. Leon1969Doctor of Laws
Hill, Anita2018Doctor of Laws
Hines, Gregory2004Doctor of Fine Arts
Hines, Jerome1993Doctor of Fine Arts
Hinojosa, Maria2022Doctor of Letters
Hirschman, Albert O.1978Doctor of Laws
Hoffman, Samuel David1957Doctor of Humane Letters
Holderman, Pauline Beatrice1965Doctor of Humane Letters
Holstrom, Carleton A.1995Doctor of Humane Letters
Holt, Lester2020Doctor of Humane Letters
Holt, Rush2021Doctor of Laws
Hoover, Jr., Herbert1956Doctor of Laws
Hopper, Grace Murray1987Doctor of Science
Horne, Marilyn1971Doctor of Music
Hottel, Althea Kratz1958Doctor of Humane Letters
Houle, Cyril Orvin1959Doctor of Humane Letters
Howard, Jr., M. William2010Doctor of Humane Letters
Hrabowski III, Freeman A.2024Doctor of Letters
Hufstedler, Shirley M.1981Doctor of Laws
Hughes, Joseph Egan1956Doctor of Laws
Hughes, Richard Joseph1962Doctor of Laws
Hughes, William John1995Doctor of Laws
Humelsine, Carlisle Hubbard1976Doctor of Humane Letters
Humphrey, Hubert H.1966Doctor of Laws
Hunter-Gault, Charlayne1994Doctor of Fine Arts
Hutchins, John Richard, III1984Doctor of Science
Huxtable, Ada Louise1974Doctor of Fine Arts
Hyde, Mary Morley Crapo1965Doctor of Letters
Ifill, Gwen2008Doctor of Letters
Izzo, Ralph2013Doctor of Humane Letters
Jackson, Shirley Ann1999Doctor of Science
Jacobs, Nathan Leonard1965Doctor of Laws
Jacobson, Joel Ross1974Doctor of Laws
Jemison, Mae C.2001Doctor of Science
Jensen, Merril1976Doctor of Letters
Johnson, Leonard C.1972Doctor of Humane Letters
Johnson, Thomas Herbert1956Doctor of Letters
Jones, Franklin Taylor1970Doctor of Humane Letters
Jones, Lewis Webster1959Doctor of Laws
Jordan, Barbara1993Doctor of Letters
Jordan, Jr., Vernon Eulion1979Doctor of Humane Letters
Judson, Margaret Atwood1968Doctor of Laws
Kaiser, John Boynton1960Doctor of Humane Letters
Karikó, Katalin2023Doctor of Science
Katyal, Neal2019Doctor of Laws
Katz, Donald2014Doctor of Humane Letters
Katzenbach, Nicholas deBelleville1964Doctor of Laws
Kean, Thomas H.1982Doctor of Laws
Kennan, George F.1966Doctor of Laws
Kenyon, Cecelia M.1976Doctor of Letters
Kenyon, Lee John1955Master of Arts
Kertes, Ferdinand1957Doctor of Science
Kessler, Henry Howard1962Doctor of Humane Letters
Khan, Ricardo1997Doctor of Fine Arts
Klein, Lawrence R.1993Doctor of Science
Knowles, Francis1965Doctor of Laws
Koeppe, Alfred C.2009Doctor of Laws
Kohn, Walter2001Doctor of Science
Komp, William H.W.1955Doctor of Science
Kreeger, David Lloyd1972Doctor of Humane Letters
Kriendler, Irving Robert1961Doctor of Humane Letters
Kroesen, Frederick James1984Doctor of Humane Letters
Larsen, Ralph S.1991Doctor of Humane Letters
Lasagna, Louis1983Doctor of Science
Lautenberg, Frank R.1981Doctor of Humane Letters
Lavizzo-Mourey, Risa J.2018Doctor of Science
Lawrence, Jacob1988Doctor of Fine Arts
Leahy, Edwin D.2007Doctor of Humane Letters
Leakey, Richard E.2014Doctor of Science
Lederberg, Joshua1981Doctor of Science
Lee, Percy Maxim1956Doctor of Laws
Leopold, Alice Koller1958Doctor of Laws
Lerman, Miles1996Doctor of Humane Letters
Lerner, Gerda1988Doctor of Letters
Lerner, Irwin1984Doctor of Science
Lett, Harold Alfred1960Doctor of Humane Letters
Levao, Richard A.2000Doctor of Humane Letters
Levin, Janice H.1985Doctor of Humane Letters
Levin, Wayne M.1993Doctor of Science
Levine, Rachel L.2024Doctor of Science
Levine, William1972Doctor of Humane Letters
Lewis, Anthony1973Doctor of Humane Letters
Lewis, Earl2015Doctor of Humane Letters
Lewis, Henry1969Doctor of Music
Lewis, Shireen K.2012Doctor of Humane Letters
Lewis, Willard Deming1966Doctor of Laws
Lewis, William Arthur1965Doctor of Laws
L'Hommedieu, Paige D.1967Doctor of Humane Letters
Lichtenstein, Roy1990Doctor of Fine Arts
Likens, Gene Elden1985Doctor of Science
Lilley, Robert Dodd1970Doctor of Humane Letters
Linder, William J.1998Doctor of Humane Letters
Lindzey, Gardner1993Doctor of Science
Linowitz, Sol M.1977Doctor of Laws
Lipscomb, William Nunn1979Doctor of Science
Long, Virginia2013Doctor of Laws
Lorenz, Edward Norton1990Doctor of Science
Louis, Murray2000Doctor of Fine Arts
Lowell, Robert1965Doctor of Letters
Lubchenco, Jane2013Doctor of Science
Luria, Salvador Edward1970Doctor of Science
MacCarter, Beatrice Bouchier1958Master of Arts
MacKay, Kenneth Campbell1960Doctor of Laws
Mahan, Edna1958Doctor of Humane Letters
Mahoney, David J.1996Doctor of Humane Letters
Mahoney, Sister Hildegarde Marie1967Doctor of Laws
Mailer, Norman1969Doctor of Letters
Makadon, Harvey J.2017Doctor of Science
Marchand, Leslie Alexis1981Doctor of Letters
Margulis, Lynn2004Doctor of Science
Marin, Luis Muñoz1965Doctor of Laws
Mario, Ernest1992Doctor of Science
Marsalis, Wynton1997Doctor of Fine Arts
Marshall, Paule1996Doctor of Letters
Marshall, Ray1978Doctor of Laws
Martin, George Willard1963Doctor of Science
Martin, William Hope1958Doctor of Science
Martin, Jr., William McChesney1965Doctor of Laws
Martindell, Anne Clark1984Doctor of Laws
Martinez, Angela "Angie"2020Doctor of Fine Arts
Martinez, Judy Perry2020Doctor of Laws
Massey, Walter Eugene1984Doctor of Science
Matsepe-Casaburri, Ivy F.2008Doctor of Laws
Matsumoto, Shigeharu1966Doctor of Laws
Mayo, John S.1993Doctor of Science
Mazur, Paul Myer1961Doctor of Humane Letters
McClintock, Barbara1984Doctor of Science
McCormick, Richard L.2012Doctor of Laws
McCormick, Richard P.1982Doctor of Letters
McCourty, Devin2019Doctor of Humane Letters
McCourty, Jason2019Doctor of Humane Letters
McDonough, Roger Henry1956Doctor of Letters
McFarland, Ross Armstrong1964Doctor of Science
McGreevey, James E.2002Doctor of Laws
McPhee, John Angus1988Doctor of Letters
Meier, August1994Doctor of Letters
Melcher, Frederic Gershom1958Doctor of Letters
Mendel, Arthur1973Doctor of Music
Meyer, Wayne2022Doctor of Humane Letters
Meyerson, Martin1970Doctor of Humane Letters
Miers, Earl Schenck1963Doctor of Letters
Miller, Neal E.1985Doctor of Science
Miller, Samuel Clifford1983Doctor of Letters
Miller, William Christian1966Doctor of Laws
Mitchell, Eleanor1968Doctor of Letters
Mitchell, James Paul1959Doctor of Laws
Mokhele, Khotso2005Doctor of Humane Letters
Moore, Marianne Craig1955Doctor of Letters
Morgan, Edmund Sears1976Doctor of Letters
Morris, Richard Brandon1976Doctor of Letters
Morrison, Philip1977Doctor of Science
Morrison, Toni2011Doctor of Letters
Morrow, John Howard1963Doctor of Humane Letters
Morse, David Abner1957Doctor of Laws
Moses, Robert Parris2021Doctor of Laws
Moxon, Rosamond Sawyer1958Master of Arts
Moyers, Bill2016Doctor of Laws
Mrak, Emil M.1984Doctor of Science
Mumford, Lawrence Quincy1956Doctor of Letters
Murphy, Philip2019Doctor of Laws
Murphy, William Beverly1973Doctor of Humane Letters
Muskie, Edmund Sixtus1986Doctor of Laws
Myers, Chauncie Kilmer1962Doctor of Humane Letters
Nader, Ralph1972Doctor of Laws
Nagel, Ernest1967Doctor of Letters
Nagle, Claire Waller1978Doctor of Laws
Nannes, Caspar1966Doctor of Letters
Nelson, Alondra2022Doctor of Science
Nelson, Oswald George1957Doctor of Humane Letters
Neuberger, Katherine K.1979Doctor of Humane Letters
Neuberger, Maurine Brown1962Doctor of Laws
Nevelson, Louise1972Doctor of Fine Arts
Newmark, Harold L.1998Doctor of Science
Newmark, Nathan Mortimore1955Doctor of Science
Nicolson, Marjorie Hope1964Doctor of Letters
Norton, Eleanor Holmes1988Doctor of Laws
Norwood, Janet Lippe2003Doctor of Laws
Nujoma, Sam1997Doctor of Laws
Nye, William Sanford2015Doctor of Science
Oates, Joyce Carol1997Doctor of Letters
Obama, Barack H.2016Doctor of Laws
O'Hara, Gene2004Doctor of Humane Letters
Ormandy, Eugene1960Doctor of Music
Osborn, June E.1994Doctor of Science
Owens "Queen Latifah", Dana2018Doctor of Fine Arts
Ozick, Cynthia1999Doctor of Letters
Paley, William S.1986Doctor of Humane Letters
Papp, Joseph1984Doctor of Fine Arts
Park, Rosemary1956Doctor of Laws
Parks, Gordon Alexander1980Doctor of Fine Arts
Parrott, Bishop James W., Sr.1996Doctor of Humane Letters
Parsons, Talcott1977Doctor of Letters
Patel, Eboo2017Doctor of Humane Letters
Paul, Alice1977Doctor of Humane Letters
Pauling, Linus1975Doctor of Science
Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecelia1968Doctor of Science
Pearson, Paul G.1982Doctor of Letters
Penzias, Arno A.1979Doctor of Science
Peplau, Hildegard E.1985Doctor of Science
Perkins, James A.1963Doctor of Laws
Perry, Enos J.1980Doctor of Science
Persichilli, Judith2022Doctor of Science
Peterson, Martha Elizabeth1968Doctor of Laws
Peyre, Henri Maurice1957Doctor of Letters
Piel, Gerard1961Doctor of Letters
Pierce, Wendell2021Doctor of Fine Arts
Pino, John Anthony1996Doctor of Science
Piñon, Nélida1998Doctor of Letters
Pinsky, Robert2000Doctor of Letters
Piven, Frances Fox2015Doctor of Humane Letters
Powers, William1960Doctor of Humane Letters
Press, Frank1979Doctor of Science
Proctor, Samuel DeWitt1989Doctor of Humane Letters
Pye, Mort1994Doctor of Humane Letters
Qualles, Paris2001Doctor of Fine Arts
Quarles, Benjamin1976Doctor of Letters
Quimby, Edith Hinkley1956Doctor of Science
Ralph, Sheryl Lee2023Doctor of Fine Arts
Ramos-Horta, José2000Doctor of Laws
Randolph, Asa Philip1964Doctor of Laws
Rauscher, Jr., Frank Joseph1973Doctor of Science
Raven, Peter Hamilton1988Doctor of Science
Read, Hilton Shreve1961Doctor of Science
Redd, Dana2023Doctor of Letters
Rees, Mina1965Doctor of Letters
Reese, Everett David1964Doctor of Laws
Reese, Gustave1972Doctor of Music
Reeve, Christopher2005Doctor of Humane Letters
Reilly, Hilda Christine1966Doctor of Science
Reitman, Norman1986Doctor of Laws
Remnick, David Jay2022Doctor of Letters
Reston, James Barrett1957Doctor of Letters
Ribicoff, Abraham1986Doctor of Laws
Riley, Matilda White1983Doctor of Humane Letters
Ringgold, Faith2009Doctor of Letters
Roberts, Dorothy2019Doctor of Laws
Robeson, Paul1973Doctor of Humane Letters
Robeson, Paul L.2019Doctor of Humane Letters
Rockoff, Alvin J.1994Doctor of Humane Letters
Rodino, Jr., Peter Wallace1975Doctor of Laws
Rodriguez, Joseph H.1974Doctor of Laws
Roe, Robert A.1993Doctor of Letters
Roebling, Mary Gindhart1987Doctor of Humane Letters
Rogosin, Israel1966Doctor of Humane Letters
Rohrer, Heinrick1987Doctor of Science
Rollins, Sonny2009Doctor of Fine Arts
Rossi, Alice S.1975Doctor of Science
Roth, Philip1987Doctor of Letters
Rubinstein, Arthur1963Doctor of Music
Rukeyser, Muriel1961Doctor of Letters
Ruttan, Vernon Wesley1978Doctor of Laws
Ryan, Arthur F.2008Doctor of Laws
Sachar, Libby Bernstein1955Doctor of Humane Letters
Sakharov, Andrei Dmitrievich1981Doctor of Science
Salisbury, Harrison Evans1983Doctor of Letters
Sang, Philip David1961Doctor of Letters
Sato, Gordon Hisashi2007Doctor of Humane Letters
Schaaf, Royal Albert1956Doctor of Science
Schein, Philip S.2006Doctor of Science
Schettino, C. Thomas1961Doctor of Laws
Schimmel, Herbert D.2003Doctor of Humane Letters
Schlatter, Richard1973Doctor of Humane Letters
Schlesinger, Jr., Arthur M.1982Doctor of Letters
Schuller, Gunther1980Doctor of Fine Arts
Schulman, Dan2018Doctor of Humane Letters
Schwartz, Anna Jacobson1998Doctor of Laws
Scott, Eugenie C.2007Doctor of Science
Scott, Hugh1986Doctor of Laws
Scullion, Sister Mary2016Doctor of Letters
Seaborg, Glenn T.1970Doctor of Laws
Seabrook, Charles Franklin1955Doctor of Humane Letters
Sebrell, Jr., William Henry1956Doctor of Science
Segal, George1970Doctor of Fine Arts
Seligmann, Peter A.2003Doctor of Science
Sellars, Richard Beverland1977Doctor of Humane Letters
Sessions, Roger1962Doctor of Music
Shahn, Ben1964Doctor of Letters
Shalala, Donna E.1995Doctor of Humane Letters
Shapiro, Harold T.1988Doctor of Laws
Shepard, Roger Newland1992Doctor of Science
Shockley, William B.1956Doctor of Science
Shorter, Wayne2019Doctor of Fine Arts
Showalter, Elaine2001Doctor of Letters
Sills, Arthur J.1966Doctor of Laws
Simon, William E.1985Doctor of Laws
Singer, Wolf2008Doctor of Science
Sirleaf, Ellen Johnson2010Doctor of Laws
Smeal, Eleanor Cutri2010Doctor of Humane Letters
Smiley, Tavis2007Doctor of Humane Letters
Smith, Frederic William1964Doctor of Laws
Smith, Howard Anthony1959Doctor of Laws
Smith, Margaret Chase1986Doctor of Laws
Smithers, Robert Brinkley1964Doctor of Laws
Smyth, Henry DeWolf1968Doctor of Laws
Snedeker, Chester Wesley1955Master of Arts
Solow, Robert M.1994Doctor of Science
Stamato, Linda L.1985Doctor of Laws
Stern, David J.2004Doctor of Humane Letters
Stern, Isaac1983Doctor of Fine Arts
Stetin, Sol1961Doctor of Humane Letters
Stevens, Rosemary A.1995Doctor of Science
Stevenson, Adlai Ewing1962Doctor of Laws
Stevenson, Bryan A.2015Doctor of Laws
Stewart, Sandy J.2020Doctor of Humane Letters
Stewart, William Huffman1967Doctor of Science
Still, Timothy1968Doctor of Humane Letters
Stillman, W. Paul1975Doctor of Laws
Stimpson, Catharine R.2004Doctor of Letters
Strickland, Jr., William E.1999Doctor of Humane Letters
Sullivan, Leon2000Doctor of Humane Letters
Suzman, The Honorable Helen1992Doctor of Laws
Sweeney Price, Mary Sue2004Doctor of Fine Arts
Tatum, Edward Lawrie1964Doctor of Science
Taylor, Billy1994Doctor of Fine Arts
Thant, U1968Doctor of Laws
Thomas, Anne Moreau1999Doctor of Humane Letters
Thomson, Virgil1956Doctor of Letters
Threlkeld, Curtis Hugh1957Doctor of Letters
Tilghman, Shirley M.2006Doctor of Science
Trager, William1965Doctor of Science
Trethewey, Natasha2021Doctor of Letters
Luqmaan Trotter, Tariq2024Doctor of Fine Arts
Udall, Stewart Lee1968Doctor of Laws
Ullian, Arthur D.2004Doctor of Humane Letters
Vagelos, P. Roy1991Doctor of Humane Letters
Van Ness, Stanley C.1983Doctor of Humane Letters
Van Zandt, Steven2017Doctor of Fine Arts
Vandervilt, Arthur1956Doctor of Humane Letters
Vermeule, Emily Dickinson Townsend1968Doctor of Letters
Volk, Harry Joseph1958Doctor of Humane Letters
Voorhees, Ralph W.1990Doctor of Humane Letters
Waelsch, Salome Gluecksohn1998Doctor of Science
Waldheim, Kurt1972Doctor of Laws
Wall, Monroe E.1999Doctor of Science
Walter, F. Austin1966Doctor of Music
Warren, Earl1966Doctor of Laws
Warren, Elizabeth2011Doctor of Laws
Watson, James Dewey1988Doctor of Science
Wayne, Edward Anthony1963Doctor of Laws
Wayne, June C.2005Doctor of Fine Arts
Weaver, Robert Clifton1963Doctor of Laws
Weeks, Edward A.1962Doctor of Letters
Weintraub, Joseph1958Doctor of Laws
Weisenfeld, Allan1966Doctor of Humane Letters
Weisskopf, Victor Frederick1983Doctor of Laws
Welty, Eudora1978Doctor of Letters
Werblin, David A.1988Doctor of Laws
Wescott, Glenway1963Doctor of Letters
Wescott, Lloyd Bruce1960Doctor of Humane Letters
Wheeler, John Archibald1969Doctor of Science
White, Katharine Elkus1967Doctor of Laws
White, Ruth Patricia1962Master of Fine Arts
White, Jr., Lynn1979Doctor of Letters
Whitehead, John C.1989Doctor of Laws
Whitlock, Foster Brand1980Doctor of Humane Letters
Whitman, Christine Todd1994Doctor of Laws
Wicker, Thomas Grey1970Doctor of Letters
Wideman, John Edgar1991Doctor of Letters
Wieschaus, Eric F.2002Doctor of Science
Williams, Joseph D.1987Doctor of Humane Letters
Williams, Jr., Harrison Arlington1960Doctor of Laws
Wilson, August1996Doctor of Letters
Wilson, Blenda Jacqueline1989Doctor of Laws
Wilson, G. Willow2021Doctor of Letters
Wilson, William Julius1995Doctor of Science
Winkler, Henry R.1977Doctor of Letters
Witkin, Evelyn M.1995Doctor of Science
Wolfe, Deborah Cannon Patridge1992Doctor of Humane Letters
Wonder, Stevie1999Doctor of Fine Arts
Woodward, C. Vann1988Doctor of Laws
Wretlind, Arvid1980Doctor of Science
Wu, Chien-Shiung1963Doctor of Science
Yalow, Rosalyn S.1980Doctor of Science
Yamba, A. Zachary2006Doctor of Laws
Yanitelli, Victor Robert, S.J.1966Doctor of Laws
Yasuhiro, Nakasone1988Doctor of Laws
Ylvisaker, Paul N.1981Doctor of Humane Letters
Young, Donald Ramsey1955Doctor of Humane Letters
Young, Jr., Andrew J.1978Doctor of Laws
Zimbardo, Philip G.2009Doctor of Science
Zworykin, Vladimir K.1972Doctor of Science
Name Year Degree