Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipient Nominations
Who would you like to address Rutgers' graduates at commencement? Let us know!
Rutgers accepts commencement speaker and honorary degree nominations for the ceremonies at Rutgers University–New Brunswick and Rutgers Health, Rutgers University–Newark, and Rutgers University–Camden on a rolling basis. Nominations received by the deadline of each year will be reviewed and considered for that year's ceremonies. Because speakers may also be awarded an honorary degree, nominations for commencement speaker should also follow the guidelines for honorary degree candidates. Speaker nominees should be someone who is engaging and interesting with broad appeal to a diverse audience.
One of the most prestigious honors any university can bestow is an honorary degree, a degree that is conferred honoris causa, that is, for the sake of honor. This degree recognizes an individual’s exceptional achievement or distinction in a field or activity consonant with the mission of the university. Through this major public action, the university is able to acknowledge worthy individuals of national and international acclaim whose accomplishments support the ideals of the university and serve as an example for our students, alumni, and society.
The university seeks recommendations of honorary degree and speaker nominees who reflect the cultural diversity and international character of Rutgers. We invite all members of the Rutgers community and the public to nominate candidates for consideration. We keep nominations confidential, and nominees should not be contacted.
How to Submit a Nomination
Nominations for the commencement speaker and honorary degrees to be awarded in the May commencement ceremonies will be accepted throughout the year. More information on the nomination guidelines and process is available below.
Nomination Considerations
Rutgers University invites nominations from any member of the university community or the public. A committee considers the nominations of individuals to receive honorary degrees and for the commencement speaker. The President presents a final slate of candidates for review by the Board of Governors’ Committee on Academic and Student Affairs, which then makes a final recommendation to the full Board of Governors for their approval. Because speakers may also be awarded an honorary degree, nominations for commencement speaker should also follow the guidelines for honorary degree candidates as detailed below.
Criteria for Awarding an Honorary Degree by Rutgers University
The nominee for an honorary degree from Rutgers University:
- Must evidence outstanding achievement in the humanities, arts, or sciences, or in a profession; in government, public affairs, education, or religion; in industry or commerce; or in an auxiliary field or endeavor.
- Must evidence distinguished service and performance in their accomplishments that support the ideals of Rutgers and serve as an example to our students, our alumni, and society.
- Must evidence in their life a commitment of service to humankind.
Honorary degrees will be bestowed by the President, the Rutgers University–Camden Chancellor, and the Rutgers University–Newark Chancellor at their commencement ceremonies, or by the President, or a designee, at other ceremonies or special events.
Degrees may be awarded in four categories based on the specific criteria listed below:
Doctor of Laws
Distinguished service to state or to nation, to learning or to humankind, coupled with intellectual gifts and moral qualities that entitle the recipient to rank with persons of culture and high principle.Doctor of Letters or Doctor of Fine Arts
Distinguished service to letters, art, music, or education, coupled with intellectual and moral qualities that are widely recognized.Doctor of Science
Distinguished service to science, coupled with personal qualities and a kind of learning that entitles the recipient to recognition by a learned educational body of high standing.Doctor of Humane Letters
Distinguished service of a general nature, coupled with personal qualities and a kind of learning that entitles the recipient to recognition by a learned educational body of high standing.Confidentiality
Nomination information submitted will be kept confidential. Confidentiality at all points in the nominating process is crucial. No discussion concerning nominees should take place outside of those directly involved in the evaluation process. The President, or a designee, is responsible for contacting the candidates once the Board of Governors has approved a slate of candidates.
At Rutgers, honorary degrees are not awarded posthumously, unless the offer has been made and accepted prior to the individual’s death. Also, honorary degrees are not awarded to the following:
- Current faculty or staff
- Current holders of political office, except that an honorary degree shall be awarded to the Governor of the State of New Jersey in the year the Governor takes office
- Current university governing board members, except that an honorary degree shall be awarded to the chair of the Board of Governors at the conclusion of their term as chair of the board
Except in extraordinary circumstances, persons who have spent the greater part of their careers as members of the Rutgers faculty or administration will not be considered. However, persons otherwise associated with the university such as alumni, former governors and trustees, or distinguished visiting faculty will be considered.
Exceptions to these procedures may be made at the discretion of the President and the Board of Governors.
Nominations will be accepted on an ongoing basis and must be made using the standardized Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Nomination Form. Nominators should include with their nomination form a curriculum vitae (resume), if available, and biographical information and any other supporting materials (please provide actual documentation and not website links). A well-written nomination form is often more persuasive than a lengthy curriculum vitae.
If you have nominated someone in the past and would like that person to be reconsidered, please submit a current nomination for the individual.
Complete the Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Nomination Form to submit your nomination for consideration.
Past Rutgers University Honorary Degree Recipients
This list of honorary degree recipients is sortable by last name, year conferred, and degree type.
Abdellah, Faye Glenn | 1973 | Doctor of Laws |
Ackerman, Raymond | 2016 | Doctor of Letters |
Ackerman, Roger G. | 1995 | Doctor of Science |
Adams, Ruth Marie | 1966 | Doctor of Laws |
Aidekman, Alex | 1987 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Alampi, Philip | 1969 | Doctor of Laws |
Alexander, Archibald Stevens | 1966 | Doctor of Laws |
Allen, Clara L. | 1972 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Allen, Robert E. | 1989 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Anderson, Adrienne Scotchbrook | 1991 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Anderson, Marian | 1957 | Doctor of Music |
Anderson, Philip Warren | 1991 | Doctor of Science |
Angelson, Mark A. | 2023 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Arroyo, Martina | 2012 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Atiyah, Sir Michael | 1992 | Doctor of Science |
Auchter, George David | 1962 | Doctor of Science |
Baez, Joan C. | 1980 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Bailey, Charles Philamore | 1958 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Bailyn, Bernard | 1976 | Doctor of Letters |
Baker, Russell Wayne | 1989 | Doctor of Letters |
Baker, William Franklin | 2008 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Baker, William Oliver | 1995 | Doctor of Science |
Barchi, Robert L. | 2022 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Baron, Salo Wittmayer | 1963 | Doctor of Letters |
Baskin, Leonard | 1969 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Bate, W. Jackson | 1979 | Doctor of Letters |
Beal, Orville E. | 1973 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Beck, Robert A. | 1983 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Bender, Carl Beitel | 1963 | Doctor of Science |
Benson, Ezra Taft | 1955 | Doctor of Science |
Bergethon, Kaare Roald | 1959 | Doctor of Laws |
Bergman, Robert P. | 1997 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Best, William E. | 2024 | Doctor of Laws |
Betancourt, Romulo | 1964 | Doctor of Laws |
Bildner, Joan L. | 2007 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Bishop, Elizabeth | 1972 | Doctor of Letters |
Bixby, Frederick Lovell | 1966 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Black, Eugene Robert | 1959 | Doctor of Laws |
Blackman, Samuel Garrison | 1964 | Doctor of Letters |
Blackmur, Richard Palmer | 1958 | Doctor of Letters |
Blake, James Hubert | 1974 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Blanchard, Terence | 2023 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Block, Herbert Lawrence | 1963 | Doctor of Letters |
Bloom, Benjamin S. | 1975 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Blume, Judy | 2010 | Doctor of Letters |
Boehm, Helen F. | 1986 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Boggs, Lindy | 2000 | Doctor of Laws |
Bon Jovi, Jon | 2015 | Doctor of Letters |
Bongiovanni, Michael | 1991 | Doctor of Laws |
Boocock, Philip Milledoler Brett | 1966 | Doctor of Letters |
Booher, Edward Elsworth | 1979 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Bowen, Catherine Drinker | 1967 | Doctor of Letters |
Bowen, William Gordon | 1972 | Doctor of Laws |
Boyd, Hugh Newell | 1970 | Doctor of Letters |
Boyd, Julian Parks | 1956 | Doctor of Letters |
Bradley, Bill | 1999 | Doctor of Laws |
Bragg, Floyd Herman | 1990 | Doctor of Laws |
Branscomb, Lewis McAdory | 1984 | Doctor of Science |
Brée, Germaine | 1969 | Doctor of Letters |
Brennan, Jr., William Joseph | 1958 | Doctor of Laws |
Brenner, Jeffrey | 2014 | Doctor of Science |
Brinster, Ralph L. | 2000 | Doctor of Science |
Brooks-Randolph, Angie | 1978 | Doctor of Laws |
Brower, Charles Hendrickson | 1966 | Doctor of Laws |
Brown, Greg | 2012 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Brown, Harrison Scott | 1964 | Doctor of Science |
Brown, Lester Russell | 1978 | Doctor of Laws |
Brown, Raymond A. | 1972 | Doctor of Laws |
Bryan, James Edmund | 1964 | Doctor of Letters |
Buck, Pearl S. | 1969 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Bunch, Lonnie G. | 2013 | Doctor of Letters |
Bundy, McGeorge | 1982 | Doctor of Letters |
Bunting, Mary Ingraham | 1960 | Doctor of Laws |
Burke, James E. | 1984 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Burke, Kenneth | 1968 | Doctor of Letters |
Burnell, S. Jocelyn Bell | 2016 | Doctor of Science |
Burnham, Walter Dean | 1982 | Doctor of Letters |
Burns, Arthur Frank | 1955 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Burns, Eveline M. | 1981 | Doctor of Letters |
Burton, Glenn Willard | 1955 | Doctor of Science |
Butler, Richard | 2001 | Doctor of Laws |
Byrne, Brendan T. | 1974 | Doctor of Laws |
Byrne, Jr., John Joseph | 1985 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Cahill, William T. | 1970 | Doctor of Laws |
Calderón, Sila M. | 2004 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Caldicott, Helen | 1990 | Doctor of Science |
Caldwell, William Anthony | 1967 | Doctor of Letters |
Cameron, Donald Forrester | 1956 | Doctor of Letters |
Cardoso, Fernando Enrique | 1978 | Doctor of Laws |
Carrerras Coll, José | 2002 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Carson, Benjamin | 2003 | Doctor of Science |
Carter, Bennett Lester | 1991 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Case, Clifford Phillip | 1955 | Doctor of Laws |
Cavazos, Lauro F. | 1989 | Doctor of Laws |
Chaikin, Sol C. | 1980 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Chambers, Raymond G. | 2000 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Charanis, Peter | 1980 | Doctor of Letters |
Cherkasky, Martin | 1985 | Doctor of Science |
Child, Julia | 1992 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Chisholm, Shirley | 2002 | Doctor of Laws |
Christie, Chris | 2010 | Doctor of Laws |
Clapp, Margaret | 1962 | Doctor of Laws |
Cleary, Edward John | 1959 | Doctor of Science |
Cobb, Jelani | 2024 | Doctor of Letters |
Cobb, Jewel Plummer | 1982 | Doctor of Letters |
Codey, Richard J. | 2005 | Doctor of Laws |
Coffey, Katherine Frances | 1966 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Cohen, Stanley Norman | 1994 | Doctor of Science |
Cohen, Wilbur J. | 1986 | Doctor of Laws |
Cole, William Harder | 1957 | Doctor of Science |
Coles, Robert | 1977 | Doctor of Letters |
Collins, Kevin J. | 2001 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Colwell, Rita R. | 2005 | Doctor of Science |
Commager, Henry Steele | 1988 | Doctor of Laws |
Conn, Jerome W. | 1964 | Doctor of Science |
Connor, John Thomas | 1964 | Doctor of Laws |
Coomaraswamy, Rajhika | 2016 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Copland, Aaron | 1967 | Doctor of Music |
Cortés, Jr., Ernesto J. | 2011 | Doctor of Laws |
Corzine, Jon S. | 2006 | Doctor of Laws |
Cowdrey, Mary Bartlett | 1964 | Doctor of Letters |
Cowen, David Laurence | 1984 | Doctor of Letters |
Cox, Archibald | 1974 | Doctor of Laws |
Crew, Spencer R. | 2002 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Cullman, Howard Stix | 1959 | Doctor of Laws |
Cunningham, John T. | 1974 | Doctor of Letters |
Cuthbertson, David Paton | 1958 | Doctor of Science |
David, Jr., Edward E. | 1984 | Doctor of Science |
Davis, Jess Harrison | 1955 | Doctor of Laws |
Dean, Arthur Hobson | 1958 | Doctor of Laws |
Dees, Jr., Morris S. | 2006 | Doctor of Laws |
Dickerson, Donald MacMillan | 1989 | Doctor of Laws |
Diekhoff, John Siemon | 1959 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
DiFrancesco, Donald T. | 2007 | Doctor of Laws |
Dillon, Clarence Douglas | 1961 | Doctor of Laws |
Djerassi, Carl | 2010 | Doctor of Science |
Doar, John | 1968 | Doctor of Laws |
Dodge, Norton T. | 1995 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Dougherty, John Joseph | 1962 | Doctor of Laws |
Dresselhaus, Mildred S. | 1989 | Doctor of Science |
Duverger, Maurice | 1982 | Doctor of Letters |
Dwyer, Bernard J. | 1993 | Doctor of Laws |
Dwyer, Florence Price | 1968 | Doctor of Laws |
Ebadi, Shirin | 2007 | Doctor of Laws |
Eck?, Marc | 2009 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Eco, Umberto | 2002 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Edelman, Marian Wright | 1986 | Doctor of Laws |
Edgar, Miriam Colón | 1980 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Ellison, Brooke Mackenzie | 2011 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Ellison, Ralph Waldo | 1966 | Doctor of Letters |
Engstrom, Elmer W. | 1963 | Doctor of Science |
Epstein, Benjamin | 1965 | Doctor of Letters |
Ericsson, Aprille Joy | 2022 | Doctor of Science |
Everett, Thomas Henry | 1959 | Master of Science |
Fair, Ethel Marion | 1959 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Fair, Gordon Maskew | 1965 | Doctor of Science |
Felmly, Lloyd McPherson | 1956 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Fenster, Saul K. | 2002 | Doctor of Laws |
Ferguson, Jr., Clarence Clyde | 1966 | Doctor of Laws |
Fergusson, Francis | 1975 | Doctor of Letters |
Finletter, Thomas Knight | 1959 | Doctor of Laws |
Fisk, James Brown | 1967 | Doctor of Science |
Fiske, Jessie Gladys | 1958 | Doctor of Science |
Florio, James J. | 1990 | Doctor of Laws |
Foster, William Chapman | 1968 | Doctor of Laws |
Francis, John Joseph | 1959 | Doctor of Laws |
Francis, Norman C. | 1993 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Franklin, John Hope | 1990 | Doctor of Letters |
Frazier, Kenneth C. | 2019 | Doctor of Laws |
Frelinghuysen, Peter H.B. | 1976 | Doctor of Laws |
Friedman, Milton | 1968 | Doctor of Laws |
Friend, Jr., Albert Mathias | 1955 | Doctor of Letters |
Fuchs, Morris | 1959 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Fulbright, James William | 1955 | Doctor of Laws |
Galbraith, John Kenneth | 1979 | Doctor of Laws |
Gamper, Jr., Albert R. | 2007 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Garrett, Laurie | 2021 | Doctor of Science |
Gaskill, William John | 1978 | Doctor of Laws |
Gelfand, Israel Moiseevich | 1993 | Doctor of Science |
Gellhorn, Walter | 1973 | Doctor of Laws |
Geltman, Samuel | 1990 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Gibson, Eleanor Jack | 1973 | Doctor of Science |
Gidney, Ray Millard | 1961 | Doctor of Laws |
Gillespie, John Birks | 1970 | Doctor of Music |
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader | 1991 | Doctor of Laws |
Goheen, Robert Francis | 1957 | Doctor of Laws |
Goldman, Lawrence P. | 1999 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Goldstine, Herman Heine | 1994 | Doctor of Science |
Goodall, Jane | 2005 | Doctor of Science |
Gordon, Julia Weber | 1966 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Gordon, Lincoln | 1967 | Doctor of Laws |
Gould, Stephen Jay | 1987 | Doctor of Science |
Gould, William Benjamin, IV | 1998 | Doctor of Laws |
Graham, Martha | 1959 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Graves, Michael | 1994 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Gregorian, Vartan | 1989 | Doctor of Laws |
Gronquist, Carl Harry | 1958 | Doctor of Science |
Gross, Mason Welch | 1971 | Doctor of Laws |
Gyatso, Tenzin (Dalai Lama) | 2005 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Hall, Frederick Wilson | 1960 | Doctor of Laws |
Hannah-Jones, Nikole | 2022 | Doctor of Letters |
Hardt, Robert Andrew | 1956 | Doctor of Philosophy |
Harvey, Gerald C. | 2014 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Hayden, Carla D. | 2017 | Doctor of Letters |
Heckel, Charles Willard | 1970 | Doctor of Laws |
Hedefine, Alfred | 1975 | Doctor of Science |
Heidelberger, Michael | 1961 | Doctor of Science |
Heldrich, John J. | 1999 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Hellman, Lillian | 1963 | Doctor of Letters |
Heningburg, Gustave | 1989 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Herbert, Robert M. "Bob" | 2006 | Doctor of Letters |
Herrmann, Lewis Mordecai | 1960 | Doctor of Laws |
Hicks, Arthur James | 2017 | Doctor of Science |
Higginbotham, Jr., A. Leon | 1969 | Doctor of Laws |
Hill, Anita | 2018 | Doctor of Laws |
Hines, Gregory | 2004 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Hines, Jerome | 1993 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Hinojosa, Maria | 2022 | Doctor of Letters |
Hirschman, Albert O. | 1978 | Doctor of Laws |
Hoffman, Samuel David | 1957 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Holderman, Pauline Beatrice | 1965 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Holstrom, Carleton A. | 1995 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Holt, Lester | 2020 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Holt, Rush | 2021 | Doctor of Laws |
Hoover, Jr., Herbert | 1956 | Doctor of Laws |
Hopper, Grace Murray | 1987 | Doctor of Science |
Horne, Marilyn | 1971 | Doctor of Music |
Hottel, Althea Kratz | 1958 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Houle, Cyril Orvin | 1959 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Howard, Jr., M. William | 2010 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Hrabowski III, Freeman A. | 2024 | Doctor of Letters |
Hufstedler, Shirley M. | 1981 | Doctor of Laws |
Hughes, Joseph Egan | 1956 | Doctor of Laws |
Hughes, Richard Joseph | 1962 | Doctor of Laws |
Hughes, William John | 1995 | Doctor of Laws |
Humelsine, Carlisle Hubbard | 1976 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Humphrey, Hubert H. | 1966 | Doctor of Laws |
Hunter-Gault, Charlayne | 1994 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Hutchins, John Richard, III | 1984 | Doctor of Science |
Huxtable, Ada Louise | 1974 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Hyde, Mary Morley Crapo | 1965 | Doctor of Letters |
Ifill, Gwen | 2008 | Doctor of Letters |
Izzo, Ralph | 2013 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Jackson, Shirley Ann | 1999 | Doctor of Science |
Jacobs, Nathan Leonard | 1965 | Doctor of Laws |
Jacobson, Joel Ross | 1974 | Doctor of Laws |
Jemison, Mae C. | 2001 | Doctor of Science |
Jensen, Merril | 1976 | Doctor of Letters |
Johnson, Leonard C. | 1972 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Johnson, Thomas Herbert | 1956 | Doctor of Letters |
Jones, Franklin Taylor | 1970 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Jones, Lewis Webster | 1959 | Doctor of Laws |
Jordan, Barbara | 1993 | Doctor of Letters |
Jordan, Jr., Vernon Eulion | 1979 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Judson, Margaret Atwood | 1968 | Doctor of Laws |
Kaiser, John Boynton | 1960 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Karikó, Katalin | 2023 | Doctor of Science |
Katyal, Neal | 2019 | Doctor of Laws |
Katz, Donald | 2014 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Katzenbach, Nicholas deBelleville | 1964 | Doctor of Laws |
Kean, Thomas H. | 1982 | Doctor of Laws |
Kennan, George F. | 1966 | Doctor of Laws |
Kenyon, Cecelia M. | 1976 | Doctor of Letters |
Kenyon, Lee John | 1955 | Master of Arts |
Kertes, Ferdinand | 1957 | Doctor of Science |
Kessler, Henry Howard | 1962 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Khan, Ricardo | 1997 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Klein, Lawrence R. | 1993 | Doctor of Science |
Knowles, Francis | 1965 | Doctor of Laws |
Koeppe, Alfred C. | 2009 | Doctor of Laws |
Kohn, Walter | 2001 | Doctor of Science |
Komp, William H.W. | 1955 | Doctor of Science |
Kreeger, David Lloyd | 1972 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Kriendler, Irving Robert | 1961 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Kroesen, Frederick James | 1984 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Larsen, Ralph S. | 1991 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Lasagna, Louis | 1983 | Doctor of Science |
Lautenberg, Frank R. | 1981 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Lavizzo-Mourey, Risa J. | 2018 | Doctor of Science |
Lawrence, Jacob | 1988 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Leahy, Edwin D. | 2007 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Leakey, Richard E. | 2014 | Doctor of Science |
Lederberg, Joshua | 1981 | Doctor of Science |
Lee, Percy Maxim | 1956 | Doctor of Laws |
Leopold, Alice Koller | 1958 | Doctor of Laws |
Lerman, Miles | 1996 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Lerner, Gerda | 1988 | Doctor of Letters |
Lerner, Irwin | 1984 | Doctor of Science |
Lett, Harold Alfred | 1960 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Levao, Richard A. | 2000 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Levin, Janice H. | 1985 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Levin, Wayne M. | 1993 | Doctor of Science |
Levine, Rachel L. | 2024 | Doctor of Science |
Levine, William | 1972 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Lewis, Anthony | 1973 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Lewis, Earl | 2015 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Lewis, Henry | 1969 | Doctor of Music |
Lewis, Shireen K. | 2012 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Lewis, Willard Deming | 1966 | Doctor of Laws |
Lewis, William Arthur | 1965 | Doctor of Laws |
L'Hommedieu, Paige D. | 1967 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Lichtenstein, Roy | 1990 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Likens, Gene Elden | 1985 | Doctor of Science |
Lilley, Robert Dodd | 1970 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Linder, William J. | 1998 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Lindzey, Gardner | 1993 | Doctor of Science |
Linowitz, Sol M. | 1977 | Doctor of Laws |
Lipscomb, William Nunn | 1979 | Doctor of Science |
Long, Virginia | 2013 | Doctor of Laws |
Lorenz, Edward Norton | 1990 | Doctor of Science |
Louis, Murray | 2000 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Lowell, Robert | 1965 | Doctor of Letters |
Lubchenco, Jane | 2013 | Doctor of Science |
Luria, Salvador Edward | 1970 | Doctor of Science |
MacCarter, Beatrice Bouchier | 1958 | Master of Arts |
MacKay, Kenneth Campbell | 1960 | Doctor of Laws |
Mahan, Edna | 1958 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Mahoney, David J. | 1996 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Mahoney, Sister Hildegarde Marie | 1967 | Doctor of Laws |
Mailer, Norman | 1969 | Doctor of Letters |
Makadon, Harvey J. | 2017 | Doctor of Science |
Marchand, Leslie Alexis | 1981 | Doctor of Letters |
Margulis, Lynn | 2004 | Doctor of Science |
Marin, Luis Muñoz | 1965 | Doctor of Laws |
Mario, Ernest | 1992 | Doctor of Science |
Marsalis, Wynton | 1997 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Marshall, Paule | 1996 | Doctor of Letters |
Marshall, Ray | 1978 | Doctor of Laws |
Martin, George Willard | 1963 | Doctor of Science |
Martin, William Hope | 1958 | Doctor of Science |
Martin, Jr., William McChesney | 1965 | Doctor of Laws |
Martindell, Anne Clark | 1984 | Doctor of Laws |
Martinez, Angela "Angie" | 2020 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Martinez, Judy Perry | 2020 | Doctor of Laws |
Massey, Walter Eugene | 1984 | Doctor of Science |
Matsepe-Casaburri, Ivy F. | 2008 | Doctor of Laws |
Matsumoto, Shigeharu | 1966 | Doctor of Laws |
Mayo, John S. | 1993 | Doctor of Science |
Mazur, Paul Myer | 1961 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
McClintock, Barbara | 1984 | Doctor of Science |
McCormick, Richard L. | 2012 | Doctor of Laws |
McCormick, Richard P. | 1982 | Doctor of Letters |
McCourty, Devin | 2019 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
McCourty, Jason | 2019 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
McDonough, Roger Henry | 1956 | Doctor of Letters |
McFarland, Ross Armstrong | 1964 | Doctor of Science |
McGreevey, James E. | 2002 | Doctor of Laws |
McPhee, John Angus | 1988 | Doctor of Letters |
Meier, August | 1994 | Doctor of Letters |
Melcher, Frederic Gershom | 1958 | Doctor of Letters |
Mendel, Arthur | 1973 | Doctor of Music |
Meyer, Wayne | 2022 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Meyerson, Martin | 1970 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Miers, Earl Schenck | 1963 | Doctor of Letters |
Miller, Neal E. | 1985 | Doctor of Science |
Miller, Samuel Clifford | 1983 | Doctor of Letters |
Miller, William Christian | 1966 | Doctor of Laws |
Mitchell, Eleanor | 1968 | Doctor of Letters |
Mitchell, James Paul | 1959 | Doctor of Laws |
Mokhele, Khotso | 2005 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Moore, Marianne Craig | 1955 | Doctor of Letters |
Morgan, Edmund Sears | 1976 | Doctor of Letters |
Morris, Richard Brandon | 1976 | Doctor of Letters |
Morrison, Philip | 1977 | Doctor of Science |
Morrison, Toni | 2011 | Doctor of Letters |
Morrow, John Howard | 1963 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Morse, David Abner | 1957 | Doctor of Laws |
Moses, Robert Parris | 2021 | Doctor of Laws |
Moxon, Rosamond Sawyer | 1958 | Master of Arts |
Moyers, Bill | 2016 | Doctor of Laws |
Mrak, Emil M. | 1984 | Doctor of Science |
Mumford, Lawrence Quincy | 1956 | Doctor of Letters |
Murphy, Philip | 2019 | Doctor of Laws |
Murphy, William Beverly | 1973 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Muskie, Edmund Sixtus | 1986 | Doctor of Laws |
Myers, Chauncie Kilmer | 1962 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Nader, Ralph | 1972 | Doctor of Laws |
Nagel, Ernest | 1967 | Doctor of Letters |
Nagle, Claire Waller | 1978 | Doctor of Laws |
Nannes, Caspar | 1966 | Doctor of Letters |
Nelson, Alondra | 2022 | Doctor of Science |
Nelson, Oswald George | 1957 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Neuberger, Katherine K. | 1979 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Neuberger, Maurine Brown | 1962 | Doctor of Laws |
Nevelson, Louise | 1972 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Newmark, Harold L. | 1998 | Doctor of Science |
Newmark, Nathan Mortimore | 1955 | Doctor of Science |
Nicolson, Marjorie Hope | 1964 | Doctor of Letters |
Norton, Eleanor Holmes | 1988 | Doctor of Laws |
Norwood, Janet Lippe | 2003 | Doctor of Laws |
Nujoma, Sam | 1997 | Doctor of Laws |
Nye, William Sanford | 2015 | Doctor of Science |
Oates, Joyce Carol | 1997 | Doctor of Letters |
Obama, Barack H. | 2016 | Doctor of Laws |
O'Hara, Gene | 2004 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Ormandy, Eugene | 1960 | Doctor of Music |
Osborn, June E. | 1994 | Doctor of Science |
Owens "Queen Latifah", Dana | 2018 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Ozick, Cynthia | 1999 | Doctor of Letters |
Paley, William S. | 1986 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Papp, Joseph | 1984 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Park, Rosemary | 1956 | Doctor of Laws |
Parks, Gordon Alexander | 1980 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Parrott, Bishop James W., Sr. | 1996 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Parsons, Talcott | 1977 | Doctor of Letters |
Patel, Eboo | 2017 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Paul, Alice | 1977 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Pauling, Linus | 1975 | Doctor of Science |
Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecelia | 1968 | Doctor of Science |
Pearson, Paul G. | 1982 | Doctor of Letters |
Penzias, Arno A. | 1979 | Doctor of Science |
Peplau, Hildegard E. | 1985 | Doctor of Science |
Perkins, James A. | 1963 | Doctor of Laws |
Perry, Enos J. | 1980 | Doctor of Science |
Persichilli, Judith | 2022 | Doctor of Science |
Peterson, Martha Elizabeth | 1968 | Doctor of Laws |
Peyre, Henri Maurice | 1957 | Doctor of Letters |
Piel, Gerard | 1961 | Doctor of Letters |
Pierce, Wendell | 2021 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Pino, John Anthony | 1996 | Doctor of Science |
Piñon, Nélida | 1998 | Doctor of Letters |
Pinsky, Robert | 2000 | Doctor of Letters |
Piven, Frances Fox | 2015 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Powers, William | 1960 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Press, Frank | 1979 | Doctor of Science |
Proctor, Samuel DeWitt | 1989 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Pye, Mort | 1994 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Qualles, Paris | 2001 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Quarles, Benjamin | 1976 | Doctor of Letters |
Quimby, Edith Hinkley | 1956 | Doctor of Science |
Ralph, Sheryl Lee | 2023 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Ramos-Horta, José | 2000 | Doctor of Laws |
Randolph, Asa Philip | 1964 | Doctor of Laws |
Rauscher, Jr., Frank Joseph | 1973 | Doctor of Science |
Raven, Peter Hamilton | 1988 | Doctor of Science |
Read, Hilton Shreve | 1961 | Doctor of Science |
Redd, Dana | 2023 | Doctor of Letters |
Rees, Mina | 1965 | Doctor of Letters |
Reese, Everett David | 1964 | Doctor of Laws |
Reese, Gustave | 1972 | Doctor of Music |
Reeve, Christopher | 2005 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Reilly, Hilda Christine | 1966 | Doctor of Science |
Reitman, Norman | 1986 | Doctor of Laws |
Remnick, David Jay | 2022 | Doctor of Letters |
Reston, James Barrett | 1957 | Doctor of Letters |
Ribicoff, Abraham | 1986 | Doctor of Laws |
Riley, Matilda White | 1983 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Ringgold, Faith | 2009 | Doctor of Letters |
Roberts, Dorothy | 2019 | Doctor of Laws |
Robeson, Paul | 1973 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Robeson, Paul L. | 2019 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Rockoff, Alvin J. | 1994 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Rodino, Jr., Peter Wallace | 1975 | Doctor of Laws |
Rodriguez, Joseph H. | 1974 | Doctor of Laws |
Roe, Robert A. | 1993 | Doctor of Letters |
Roebling, Mary Gindhart | 1987 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Rogosin, Israel | 1966 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Rohrer, Heinrick | 1987 | Doctor of Science |
Rollins, Sonny | 2009 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Rossi, Alice S. | 1975 | Doctor of Science |
Roth, Philip | 1987 | Doctor of Letters |
Rubinstein, Arthur | 1963 | Doctor of Music |
Rukeyser, Muriel | 1961 | Doctor of Letters |
Ruttan, Vernon Wesley | 1978 | Doctor of Laws |
Ryan, Arthur F. | 2008 | Doctor of Laws |
Sachar, Libby Bernstein | 1955 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Sakharov, Andrei Dmitrievich | 1981 | Doctor of Science |
Salisbury, Harrison Evans | 1983 | Doctor of Letters |
Sang, Philip David | 1961 | Doctor of Letters |
Sato, Gordon Hisashi | 2007 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Schaaf, Royal Albert | 1956 | Doctor of Science |
Schein, Philip S. | 2006 | Doctor of Science |
Schettino, C. Thomas | 1961 | Doctor of Laws |
Schimmel, Herbert D. | 2003 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Schlatter, Richard | 1973 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Schlesinger, Jr., Arthur M. | 1982 | Doctor of Letters |
Schuller, Gunther | 1980 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Schulman, Dan | 2018 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Schwartz, Anna Jacobson | 1998 | Doctor of Laws |
Scott, Eugenie C. | 2007 | Doctor of Science |
Scott, Hugh | 1986 | Doctor of Laws |
Scullion, Sister Mary | 2016 | Doctor of Letters |
Seaborg, Glenn T. | 1970 | Doctor of Laws |
Seabrook, Charles Franklin | 1955 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Sebrell, Jr., William Henry | 1956 | Doctor of Science |
Segal, George | 1970 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Seligmann, Peter A. | 2003 | Doctor of Science |
Sellars, Richard Beverland | 1977 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Sessions, Roger | 1962 | Doctor of Music |
Shahn, Ben | 1964 | Doctor of Letters |
Shalala, Donna E. | 1995 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Shapiro, Harold T. | 1988 | Doctor of Laws |
Shepard, Roger Newland | 1992 | Doctor of Science |
Shockley, William B. | 1956 | Doctor of Science |
Shorter, Wayne | 2019 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Showalter, Elaine | 2001 | Doctor of Letters |
Sills, Arthur J. | 1966 | Doctor of Laws |
Simon, William E. | 1985 | Doctor of Laws |
Singer, Wolf | 2008 | Doctor of Science |
Sirleaf, Ellen Johnson | 2010 | Doctor of Laws |
Smeal, Eleanor Cutri | 2010 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Smiley, Tavis | 2007 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Smith, Frederic William | 1964 | Doctor of Laws |
Smith, Howard Anthony | 1959 | Doctor of Laws |
Smith, Margaret Chase | 1986 | Doctor of Laws |
Smithers, Robert Brinkley | 1964 | Doctor of Laws |
Smyth, Henry DeWolf | 1968 | Doctor of Laws |
Snedeker, Chester Wesley | 1955 | Master of Arts |
Solow, Robert M. | 1994 | Doctor of Science |
Stamato, Linda L. | 1985 | Doctor of Laws |
Stern, David J. | 2004 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Stern, Isaac | 1983 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Stetin, Sol | 1961 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Stevens, Rosemary A. | 1995 | Doctor of Science |
Stevenson, Adlai Ewing | 1962 | Doctor of Laws |
Stevenson, Bryan A. | 2015 | Doctor of Laws |
Stewart, Sandy J. | 2020 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Stewart, William Huffman | 1967 | Doctor of Science |
Still, Timothy | 1968 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Stillman, W. Paul | 1975 | Doctor of Laws |
Stimpson, Catharine R. | 2004 | Doctor of Letters |
Strickland, Jr., William E. | 1999 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Sullivan, Leon | 2000 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Suzman, The Honorable Helen | 1992 | Doctor of Laws |
Sweeney Price, Mary Sue | 2004 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Tatum, Edward Lawrie | 1964 | Doctor of Science |
Taylor, Billy | 1994 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Thant, U | 1968 | Doctor of Laws |
Thomas, Anne Moreau | 1999 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Thomson, Virgil | 1956 | Doctor of Letters |
Threlkeld, Curtis Hugh | 1957 | Doctor of Letters |
Tilghman, Shirley M. | 2006 | Doctor of Science |
Trager, William | 1965 | Doctor of Science |
Trethewey, Natasha | 2021 | Doctor of Letters |
Luqmaan Trotter, Tariq | 2024 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Udall, Stewart Lee | 1968 | Doctor of Laws |
Ullian, Arthur D. | 2004 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Vagelos, P. Roy | 1991 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Van Ness, Stanley C. | 1983 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Van Zandt, Steven | 2017 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Vandervilt, Arthur | 1956 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Vermeule, Emily Dickinson Townsend | 1968 | Doctor of Letters |
Volk, Harry Joseph | 1958 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Voorhees, Ralph W. | 1990 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Waelsch, Salome Gluecksohn | 1998 | Doctor of Science |
Waldheim, Kurt | 1972 | Doctor of Laws |
Wall, Monroe E. | 1999 | Doctor of Science |
Walter, F. Austin | 1966 | Doctor of Music |
Warren, Earl | 1966 | Doctor of Laws |
Warren, Elizabeth | 2011 | Doctor of Laws |
Watson, James Dewey | 1988 | Doctor of Science |
Wayne, Edward Anthony | 1963 | Doctor of Laws |
Wayne, June C. | 2005 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Weaver, Robert Clifton | 1963 | Doctor of Laws |
Weeks, Edward A. | 1962 | Doctor of Letters |
Weintraub, Joseph | 1958 | Doctor of Laws |
Weisenfeld, Allan | 1966 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Weisskopf, Victor Frederick | 1983 | Doctor of Laws |
Welty, Eudora | 1978 | Doctor of Letters |
Werblin, David A. | 1988 | Doctor of Laws |
Wescott, Glenway | 1963 | Doctor of Letters |
Wescott, Lloyd Bruce | 1960 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Wheeler, John Archibald | 1969 | Doctor of Science |
White, Katharine Elkus | 1967 | Doctor of Laws |
White, Ruth Patricia | 1962 | Master of Fine Arts |
White, Jr., Lynn | 1979 | Doctor of Letters |
Whitehead, John C. | 1989 | Doctor of Laws |
Whitlock, Foster Brand | 1980 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Whitman, Christine Todd | 1994 | Doctor of Laws |
Wicker, Thomas Grey | 1970 | Doctor of Letters |
Wideman, John Edgar | 1991 | Doctor of Letters |
Wieschaus, Eric F. | 2002 | Doctor of Science |
Williams, Joseph D. | 1987 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Williams, Jr., Harrison Arlington | 1960 | Doctor of Laws |
Wilson, August | 1996 | Doctor of Letters |
Wilson, Blenda Jacqueline | 1989 | Doctor of Laws |
Wilson, G. Willow | 2021 | Doctor of Letters |
Wilson, William Julius | 1995 | Doctor of Science |
Winkler, Henry R. | 1977 | Doctor of Letters |
Witkin, Evelyn M. | 1995 | Doctor of Science |
Wolfe, Deborah Cannon Patridge | 1992 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Wonder, Stevie | 1999 | Doctor of Fine Arts |
Woodward, C. Vann | 1988 | Doctor of Laws |
Wretlind, Arvid | 1980 | Doctor of Science |
Wu, Chien-Shiung | 1963 | Doctor of Science |
Yalow, Rosalyn S. | 1980 | Doctor of Science |
Yamba, A. Zachary | 2006 | Doctor of Laws |
Yanitelli, Victor Robert, S.J. | 1966 | Doctor of Laws |
Yasuhiro, Nakasone | 1988 | Doctor of Laws |
Ylvisaker, Paul N. | 1981 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Young, Donald Ramsey | 1955 | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Young, Jr., Andrew J. | 1978 | Doctor of Laws |
Zimbardo, Philip G. | 2009 | Doctor of Science |
Zworykin, Vladimir K. | 1972 | Doctor of Science |
Name | Year | Degree |